Sunday, June 28, 2009

2nd meeting assignment :)

Name: Ong, Angeline Annellei Ong
Date: June 28, 2009
Yr./Program: COE-1

My 1st selection for the 107 values is COMMITMENT, because i should commit myself for what i am doing to have a better achievement on it. 2nd choice is DISCIPLINE, because i should learn how to make things right. 3rd choice is FUN, i should enjoy this program for me to work hard on it. 4th choice is HARD WORK, because i should work very hard for every activity to have a better results for what i am doing. 5th choice is RESPECT FOR OTHERS, i ,should treat them well were all just the same, working hard for goals. 6th is ACHIEVEMENT because i should know what i really want to be.

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