Sunday, June 28, 2009

2nd meeting assignment :)

Name: Ong, Angeline Annellei Ong
Date: June 28, 2009
Yr./Program: COE-1

My 1st selection for the 107 values is COMMITMENT, because i should commit myself for what i am doing to have a better achievement on it. 2nd choice is DISCIPLINE, because i should learn how to make things right. 3rd choice is FUN, i should enjoy this program for me to work hard on it. 4th choice is HARD WORK, because i should work very hard for every activity to have a better results for what i am doing. 5th choice is RESPECT FOR OTHERS, i ,should treat them well were all just the same, working hard for goals. 6th is ACHIEVEMENT because i should know what i really want to be.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

first journal entry

Well. At my first few days at MCL. My thought that "College na ako ngayon" always comes to my mind. Its a little bit more scary because there are new set of people we are going to encounter but i have the feeling of excitement too. Unlike in my high school days, there was only one section in each batch, so my past classmates would be my present classmates too, and in college every semester brings you a new set of faces. In high school we have our choice if we would like to be "lazy" or to "focus" on studies, some students cut their classes, some dont do their assignments, but even they do such things they pass the subject, while in college attendance is a must, assignment is a big advantage. We must focus on our studies at this level, We have to know our own priorities or else we fail. As i said, we always have the choice. We choose to go in college so we have go for our goals.. FOCUS!

In our today's senario our human values have been discarded by the new genration in the upcoming of the new fashion. In such a situation it is very important for us to lay down basic principles for us so that we can lead to a brightened life. No matter the stepping stones of success hit us hard we on the basis of these principles can guide our life.Thus value education completes this need very easily with an impact on the young minds making the world a better place to live in.