Sunday, August 9, 2009

10th journal entry

1. Cite one experience wherein you have experienced negative peer pressure.
2. How did you react to it? Why?
3. How did you feel about your reaction/decision?
4. What have you learned/realized from your experience?

- when my classmates told me not to attend my class because the class is boring. i joined them because my best friends are there. i felt wrong about my decision. i learned that i need to attend every class because my parents are working hard to pay for it.

9th journal entry

1. How do you describe a responsible person?
2. What are your responsibilities a) at home, b) in school c) in your community?

1.) a responsible person knows how to decide for himself as a better person and know how to do his own works.

2.) a) my responsibilities at home is that i have to know my chores during my sparetime and know how to respect each member of the family.

b) as a student, my responsibilities is to study hard and do my works that the professor assigned to me.

c) as a member of our community i have to respect my countrymen and to be a good citizen.

8th journal entry

I. Challenge yourself

Choose a challenge:
a. Tell the truth
b. Return recovered things (personal items, money, etc)
c. Admit mistake
d. Return excess change
e. Avoid cheating

On your journal, process your experience with the aid of the following guide questions:
a. What challenge did you take?
b. Were you able to do the challenge? How do you feel about it?
c. What have you realized/learned from your experience?

- i challenge myself to avoid cheating. because i feels so good when you realized that you passed the course all by yourself.

7th journal entry

Review the results of your personal health assessment and write your realizations and plans about your health in your journal.

i have reviewed my personal health assessment and i think i have a healthy lifestyle. i dont smoke nor drink. and i eat healthy foods like vegetables. i have to know my limitations to maintain a healthy lifestyle so that i can be healthier than before.

6th journal entry

1. For one week, challenge yourself to:
a. Get high score in a quiz or seatwork,
b. To recite in class at least once in any courses;
c. To submit a quality assignment or requirement

- for this week i have challenge myself to submit a quality assignment in my course. in math i have submitted an assignment and i got only one mistake from it.


- the most striking scene in the movie is that when US senator Al Gore, state that global warming slowly shows its effects on our planet. for example, climate change. the temperature in the world rises and melts the north and south ice caps. the hurricane katrina and other hurricanes destroyed many lives and homes.

5th journal entry

1. Develop a doable daily and weekly schedule.

a. Daily schedule includes time for rising in the morning, self preparations including meals/merienda, school hours, time for travel going to school, length of time staying at school, doing assignments, reviewing lessons or advance academic preparations, sports/ leisure and rest/sleeping.
b. Weekly schedule includes your class schedules, appointments/meetings, academic preparation.

2. On your journal, write an essay on the theme “The Most Challenging Thing I have ever Accomplished”. It describes your own experience of completing a task, given your full effort, dedication and determination. This could be about:

a) masterpiece (a painting, a poem, a short story, a song composition, etc.)
b) learned skills (driving, cooking, sports, playing musical instruments, and acting)
c) accomplishments (reaching peak of a mountain, an invention, fixing an appliances/electronic device, finishing trainings for high school cadet officer, etc

“The Most Challenging Thing I have ever Accomplished”

- the most challenging thing i have ever accomplished is that when i graduated high school. i can really feel that i am stepping the way to my future. i can always dream that i have a better life after i have finished college. so i still have to study more to have everything that i could ever want. i have to inspire myself for me & for my parents to be proud. :)

Saturday, August 8, 2009

4th journal entry

1. Looking back at the list of your positive characteristics and qualities, what do you feel and realize about it?

- looking back at my positve characteristics. as time goes by, i am becoming more mature with my way of thinking, and im becoming more persistent to what i am doing. realizing that i have to work hard for everything, brings out the best.

2. The Golden Rule says “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.”
a. Given the following situations, how would you like to be treated by your teachers and schoolmates:
- when you have given wrong answers to the questions during recitation,
- when you are expressing your opinion during class or group discussion;
- when you are giving suggestions during group work or presentation;
- when you commit mistake;
- when you don’t like doing what they ask you to do and
- when they want to give you their comments or suggestions?

- all of us commit mistakes. but mistakes doesnt mean that we have to discriminate one another. mistakes makes us better. we should learn from them.

RESPECT is a very meaningful word to us. it is the way we should understand each other. respect is what we show to others and what we expect to them.

b. Considering the given ideas on how to treat others with respect, what can you commit to yourself in terms dealing with the MCL community: teachers, students, employees, security, maintenance/janitors and canteen personnel?

- my friends respect me as i am. so we should respect others too, to have an equal treatment and good relationship with others.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

3rd journal entry..

If you will have one outstanding virtue, what would you want it to be? Why?

if i would have one outsanding virtue, i want it to be *HARD WORKING*.
It's because if you are a hardworking person, you can accomplish many works and achieve your goals in life.

Being hard working is like being competent to what are you doing. and dealing with your future. there are trials who comes to your way but your just ignoring it because of what you want to achieve.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

2nd meeting assignment :)

Name: Ong, Angeline Annellei Ong
Date: June 28, 2009
Yr./Program: COE-1

My 1st selection for the 107 values is COMMITMENT, because i should commit myself for what i am doing to have a better achievement on it. 2nd choice is DISCIPLINE, because i should learn how to make things right. 3rd choice is FUN, i should enjoy this program for me to work hard on it. 4th choice is HARD WORK, because i should work very hard for every activity to have a better results for what i am doing. 5th choice is RESPECT FOR OTHERS, i ,should treat them well were all just the same, working hard for goals. 6th is ACHIEVEMENT because i should know what i really want to be.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

first journal entry

Well. At my first few days at MCL. My thought that "College na ako ngayon" always comes to my mind. Its a little bit more scary because there are new set of people we are going to encounter but i have the feeling of excitement too. Unlike in my high school days, there was only one section in each batch, so my past classmates would be my present classmates too, and in college every semester brings you a new set of faces. In high school we have our choice if we would like to be "lazy" or to "focus" on studies, some students cut their classes, some dont do their assignments, but even they do such things they pass the subject, while in college attendance is a must, assignment is a big advantage. We must focus on our studies at this level, We have to know our own priorities or else we fail. As i said, we always have the choice. We choose to go in college so we have go for our goals.. FOCUS!

In our today's senario our human values have been discarded by the new genration in the upcoming of the new fashion. In such a situation it is very important for us to lay down basic principles for us so that we can lead to a brightened life. No matter the stepping stones of success hit us hard we on the basis of these principles can guide our life.Thus value education completes this need very easily with an impact on the young minds making the world a better place to live in.